Pentecost Sunday

Pentecost B

May 19, 2024

Fr. Andrew Ricci

Pentecost Sunday

Diocese of Superior


Pentecost: God’s power at work in our lives

The Holy Spirit profoundly transformed the disciples and sent them into the world with the Good News. May we today open our hearts to the Spirit as we seek to offer our lives in service of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Fr. Austin Fleming

Pentecost Sunday

Homiletic Pastoral Review

Pentecost Sunday

Basilica of the National Shrine

Pentecost Sunday

National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception

2024 Year B
2021 Year B
2018 Year B

Mission Impossible

Living the Christian life is like a Mission Impossible, but the power of the Holy Spirit makes the impossible possible. The power of the Holy Spirit enables believers to proclaim and live out the message of Jesus Christ, making the impossible possible and the unachievable accessible.

Dominican Blackfriars

Pentecost Sunday

Bishop Robert Barron

Pentecost Sunday

KEY INSIGHTS w/ Timestamps

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Fr. Peter Hahn

Pentecost Sunday



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THIS WEEK: Fr. Logue

Pentecost’s Passion and Enthusiasm

KEY INSIGHTS w/ Timestamps

The Holy Spirit fills us with passion and enthusiasm for our faith, empowering us to love God and serve others.

  • 00:00 Passion is the key skill sought in interviews, and the feast of Pentecost is about possessing the passion to love God and serve others.
  • 01:19 They are all gathered together as one.
  • 01:30 Remain united in faith, empowered by the Holy Spirit to break down barriers and testify to God’s love and service.
  • 02:32 Our mission as disciples of Christ is fulfilled only by the power of the Holy Spirit, which fills us with passion and enthusiasm for our faith.
  • 03:10 Negative thoughts come from satan, as explained in Saint Paul’s letter to the Galatians.
  • 03:46 Our thoughts and feelings either come from the spirit of God or from the tempter, and we should seek to maintain God’s grace and peace in our hearts.
  • 04:47 We are meant to hold on to the spirit of joy, love, and peace amidst struggles, and the Holy Spirit guides us in living with generosity, kindness, joy, and gentleness.
  • 05:56 We are all priceless children of God, called to be one in the church and filled with the spirit of God to fulfill our destiny.

Fr. Charles E. Irvin

Pentecost Sunday

Diocese of Lansing


The “Work” of the Holy Spirit

The “work” of the Holy Spirit, His mission to us, is to bring our unredeemed humanity into the life of God. He is the “Vivifier,” the One who gives us Life, the One who brings us into interactions with the Living God. The Holy Spirit is present within us. He dwells within us. He is the re-creating, rejuvenating gift of God’s presence within. We are temples of the Holy Spirit, the same Spirit that created the world in the first place and gave us God’s life within us. It is for us to allow ourselves to become aware of His presence, to take the time and make the place where we can be aware of that inner presence of God. God offers, we respond. But nothing happens unless and until we respond. And how do we respond? By receiving, by being open and inviting, by being at the disposal of God, by being available to God.

Fr. Joe Jagodensky, SDS

Pentecost Sunday



Seven Reasons to Love the Holy Spirit

In the list of Catholic holidays, Pentecost has got to be right up there after Christmas. Christmas brings new life to our broken world and Pentecost gives us seven gifts to keep that new life alive. Instead of calling them gifts, I think a more powerful word is seven tools. Tools are meant to be used. The Holy Spirit gives each of us seven special tools that are used in any circumstance, situation; whether distressing or joyful.

Fr. Jude Langeh, CMF

Pentecost Sunday



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Outpouring of the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit has always existed right from the beginning, from the time of creation all through the history of the Israelites. But what happened in the Acts of the Apostle can be termed the OUTPOURING OF THE HOLY SPIRIT or an abundance of the Holy Spirit. This outpouring renewed the face of the Earth. They were gathered in Jerusalem on that day, according to what is written in the Acts of the Apostles: “devout Jews of every nation under heaven” (Acts 2: 5). Here is made manifest the characteristic gift of the Holy Spirit: all understood the words of the Apostles: “each one heard these men speaking his own language” (Acts 2: 6). 

Fr. George Smiga

Pentecost Sunday



Faith Is an Explosion of Power

Faith is not a mental exercise played between the expected confines of the routine. Faith is an explosion of power lived in urgency and enthusiasm. The English word enthusiasm comes from two Greek words which mean “God dwells within.” So let us, as followers of Jesus, live our lives in thankfulness and generosity, so that we can feel the awesome power of the God who dwells in our hearts.

Ascension (Year B) Homilies

The Kiss of the Spirit
The Holy Kiss of God
Engagement with the World
The Spirit for the Future

Msgr. Joseph Pellegrino

Pentecost Sunday



Pentecost, the Beginning of the Now

Ever since I was ordained, I have put the words, Come Spirit, at the top of each page of my homilies to call upon him and to remind myself that preaching has got to be the work of the Holy Spirit, not my work. At the same time, it reminds me that I have to do the prayer and work that allows the Holy Spirit to work through me.

How about you? Do you recognize the times that you have been open to the
Holy Spirit and the times that you have ignored his prompting?

Msgr. Charles Pope

Pentecost Sunday

Bishop John Louis

Pentecost Sunday

Fr. Michael Chua

Pentecost Sunday

Life Issues

Pentecost Sunday

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Frank Pavone – National Director of Priests for Life

Fifty days after the Passover, the People of Israel celebrated “Pentecost,” observing the giving of the law on Mount Sinai, when God wrote the law with his own finger on the tablets of stone. The feast was originally rooted in the celebration of the harvest. It was on that Pentecost Day that the apostles reaped the harvest of the Lord’s Passover of suffering, crucifixion, and resurrection, and received the Holy Spirit, who writes the law on our hearts. 

This same Holy Spirit who came mightily on Pentecost comes to us. The same Spirit is in us, by our baptism and confirmation – the same Spirit who transformed the apostles, who raises the dead, and who changes bread and wine into Christ’s Body and Blood. That same Spirit is in us, and this should give us tremendous confidence in following Christ. 

The Holy Spirit, the “Lord and Giver of Life,” brings us back to our truest selves as he illumines us regarding the sanctity of life. The Spirit brings many gifts, and one of them is to enable us to see creation in its proper relationship to God – including the crowning of his creation, the gift of human life. 

When we do not have this light of the Holy Spirit, the law we have to follow seems like an imposition from the outside that limits our freedom. That’s what people in the world sometimes feel about our attitude toward abortion and euthanasia. They think we are “restricting rights.” But when the Holy Spirit fills us, he gives us an inner attraction to all that is right and good, so that we do not feel pushed where we would rather not go, but rather pulled by the attractiveness of what is good and right.

Holy Spirit Ears

Proclaim Sermons
Experiencing the Holy Spirit is a community event, not a moment of private spirituality. Communication requires community participation, both of speakers and listeners. Speakers need listeners if they are to be understood.

Surprised by God (Pentecost)

Proclaim Sermons
Pentecost is, above all else, a gracious surprise.

From Death to Life

Proclaim Sermons
Our Christian celebration of Pentecost – remembering the Holy Spirit and the infant church – turns a harvest of death, the old way of living, into a harvest of life, an alternative way to live and love.

The Holy Spirit’s Resume. (Pentecost)

Proclaim Sermons
Christ gives his disciples the Spirit on the first Easter evening, but the story of the Spirit in the world goes back to creation. The Spirit was active among God’s people before Christ’s coming, and accompanied and empowered Christ in his ministry. Arisen, Christ gives the Spirit to the church, with authority to reprove sin and call sinners to faith in his saving work.

SOURCE: Homily Archive

Pentecost Sunday




Proud to be Catholic

When we see this enormous change in Peter, we can ask ourselves, “Are we like Peter in the Gospels, afraid to be seen as someone associated with Jesus, or like Peter in Acts, not afraid to be persecuted when known to be a follower of Jesus?” Again and again elsewhere, I have heard this motto, “Proud to be Catholic.” On this Pentecost day, we can ask ourselves, are we proud to be Catholic. Which Peter are we like? Peter in the Gospels or Peter in Acts after receiving the Holy Spirit? Obviously, our ideal is to be like Peter in Acts after receiving the Holy Spirit, no longer afraid of being associated with Jesus but proud to be seen to be with Jesus, proud to be Catholic. If we are not yet proud to be seen with Jesus, proud to be Catholic, we need to pray for more of the Holy Spirit in our lives, to pray for more of what Peter received at Pentecost. Fortitude is one of the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit. Certainly, in this culture we need fortitude to be Catholic.

Fr. John Kavanaugh, S.J.

Pentecost Sunday



Solidarity and Courage

If we are bereft of a strong sense of unity and purpose, with what do we confront a culture that has enthroned enlightened self-interest? With what do we challenge a world that has reduced men and women to pawns of ideology? With what arms of virtue and belief do we address the heartbreaking slaughter in war-torn regions today?

In our own postmodern way, we are still the pre-Pentecost church, huddled in fear of each other as well as of the world at large. How true it is that we long once again for the “lover of the poor, the light of human hearts, the kind guide and giver of gifts, the gracious visitor who eases our toils, the consoler with cool grace and light in darkness, the warmer of our hearts and healer of our wounds, the gift of joy and absolver of sins.”

Bishop Frank Schuster

Pentecost Sunday




Babel and Pentecost

What is the answer to the curse of Babel? The answer to Babel is the feast we celebrate today, Pentecost! On Pentecost, the Holy Spirit descended on the disciples like fire. On Pentecost, all present were able to speak in hundreds of different languages, mirroring Babel, but with one important difference, they could understand each other. You know, for me, a fitting way of appreciating the miracle of Pentecost is attending a mass in another country and in a different language. You don’t have to know the language to understand the meaning of all the prayers. It is truly remarkable.

Franciscan Renewal Center

Pentecost Sunday

Diocese of Phoenix


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