Group Discussion

Group Discussion

31st Sunday of Year A

The Question of the Minimum

Have you ever been in a spiritual rut? What happened?

When is religious practice good enough? This is a practical question that has no real answer. For, when we ask the question, we place faith into another compartment of our lives. And implicitly, we place ourselves above God., since God is just Lord of Sunday or prayer time. Not Lord of all.

When is religious practice good enough? Obviously this is the wrong question. The right one is simple: Lord, how can I serve you and your people?

How have you served God and his people lately? What are the practical limits of that service? Who set those limits, you or God? Explain.

SOURCE: Word-Sunday Permission for use. All materials are the property of Larry Broding (Copyright 1999-2022). Viewers may copy any material for use in any non-profit ministry. Materials may not be sold or used for personal financial gain.

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A Cry of Humility

When have you seen a recent act of humility? What makes that act unique?

When have you seen a recent act of humility? What makes that act unique?

Humility is knowing one’s place before God.

How do you prepare yourself to enter into the presence of God? What is your spirit of prayer?

SOURCE: Word-Sunday Permission for use. All materials are the property of Larry Broding (Copyright 1999-2022). Viewers may copy any material for use in any non-profit ministry. Materials may not be sold or used for personal financial gain.

Fond Memories

What are your favorite memories? Why are they so cherished?

Paul and his fellow missionaries had fond memories in Thessalonika, despite the local opposition. They approached their students with warmth, for the neophytes quickly took hold of the faith. [2:7b-9] And the power of the gospel which fed Paul’s faith was clearly evident in the community. [2:13]

We may have fond memories of a simpler, more powerful time of faith: a retreat, early participation in a renewal movement, or the beginnings of a friendship based upon shared values. As important as these memories are, they cannot replace the faith experience we have today. Such memories feed our faith and give us hope. But we should not reduce our faith life to the recreation of long ago events. God gives us today to believe, not yesterday or tomorrow. Let us cherish our memories, plan for tomorrow, but pray today.

What memories feed your faith? How do they help your prayer life today?

SOURCE: Word-Sunday Permission for use. All materials are the property of Larry Broding (Copyright 1999-2022). Viewers may copy any material for use in any non-profit ministry. Materials may not be sold or used for personal financial gain.

Controversy in Leadership

Why is it easy to criticize leaders in the heat of controversy?

Us vs. Them. One group against another. Controversy always raises its ugly head when people separate themselves from others. While separation might be for the best of intentions, the distance that results causes a change in view point. This change can cause misunderstanding, ill feelings, and incitement to violence. When one human being turns his or her back on another, the seeds of evil are sown.

How have you exercised your freedoms responsibly? How have your public duty and service helped the good of others?

Someone once said, “The character of the community depends upon the quality of its leadership.” Some leaders seek their own good over others. Their rhetoric and example scandalize and causes separation. Those who open their hearts to God and others unite by word and deed. Consider Caiaphas against Jesus. Who do we follow? Whose leadership do we emulate? Remember, it’s a matter of style that can wound or heal.

We all have moments and places where we exercise leadership and responsibility. Reflect on your leadership as a parent, worker, or volunteer this past week. What successes have you had? What failures? Thank God for your successes and pray for openness in your failures.

SOURCE: Word-Sunday Permission for use. All materials are the property of Larry Broding (Copyright 1999-2022). Viewers may copy any material for use in any non-profit ministry. Materials may not be sold or used for personal financial gain.

First Reading

In the final verse Malachi also turns to those who ‘intermarried’. He interpreted this as weakening God’s family and introducing other God’s into the family – a breaking of the ‘covenant’. What would you suggest today is the source of decline in ‘religious practice’?          

Second Reading

St Paul, while traveling far and wide as a missionary, continued his trade as a ‘Tent maker’. He worked ‘night and day’ so as not to burden anyone. While they missed him, Paul pointed to the true source of their growth ‘the word of God at work in you’. How could you spend more time with the ‘Word of God’. Who could help you? 


Pharisees were now more public in their leadership – even being referred to as ‘Rabbi’ – teacher. Jesus continues his critique of religious leaders being ‘hypocritical’. Literally ‘two faces – actor’. Preaching and practice must go together. Are there any areas of your life where you are ‘acting’-Wearing ‘two faces’?

Jesus reminds his disciples and the Church today to not follow the Pharisees or scribes. Be an example to follow. Interpret laws sensitively so as not to load heavy burdens. Be alongside to shoulder the weight of discipleship. Do not seek glory or status. Point toward God (not self) as the true teacher. What aspect of Jesus’ leadership challenge speaks personally to you?

Service and humility are to be the trademarks of the Christian community. Is there an attitude of ‘seeking’ rather than ‘service’ in your ministry? How could you show respect to leaders and also develop a culture of equality and expectation of ‘leading by example’ in your community? Is a
humble word of correction to a leader friend needed?


SOURCE: Living the Word resources are created by Fr Frank Bird a Marist priest and Mrs Bev McDonald, ACSD, distributed by Marist Laity Auckland, NZ 

First Reading



Second Reading







SOURCE: Hearers of the Word

First Reading

The officials in this reading were responsible for an erosion of faith among the people. In general what do you think are some contemporary issues that erode people’s faith? In particular what erodes your own faith? What increases it?

Second Reading

What makes Paul such an effective minister, according to this reading? Explain. In whose message are you going to be more interested one given by someone who cares about you, or one given by someone who doesn’t know your name?


Jesus says, “let the greatest among you become as the youngest and the leader as one who serves.” Jesus instituted an office of service. “Wide belts,” places of honor and titles helped the scribes and Pharisees increase their social status but were those things a help for serving others better? What helps you serve?


SOURCE: Sunday Web Site at Saint Louis University


1. How can we best honor the vocation and the ministry of our priests without placing them on some pedestal that will put them outside the reach of the community they are meant to serve? Do priests and deacons and bishops need to be above the community of the faithful in order to exercise an effective leadership? Is there some way they can be among the people and still be effective leaders?

2. Can you describe a Christian community where the clergy are truly acting in persona Christi when they preside at the liturgy and are still being humble members of the assembly? How can we preserve our authentic tradition of having the leaders represent Christ without their having to assume positions of privilege outside the rank-and-file?

3. Do you think some men have become priests primarily because they felt it was a way to rise above the other members of their family? Do you suppose that there are fewer priests today partly because the role of priest is not so honored any more in society? If we were to dress the priests up again in all their former finery, cassocks, and surplices, do you think we would have more vocations to the priesthood?

Christian Action

Pray for priests. Pray for your parish priest(s). Talk to a priest in a supportive way about his vocation in the Church. Tell him how much his ministry means to the Church. Tell your family, your children, what the ordained priesthood means to you and to the whole Church.


SOURCE: Portland Diocese

First Reading


Second Reading

Paul showed great affection for his communities and yet he often chastised them for their failings. As parents, teachers, leaders, managers, etc., what suggestions do you have for balancing these two roles?


Are there forms of Phariseeism present in today’s Church? If so, how do they manifest themselves? How might a spirit of Phariseeism manifest itself in us?

What qualities in leaders turn you off the most? What qualities attract you the most?

To whom is it easy for you to offer service? To whom might you offer it to begrudgingly?

Responding to God’s Word

Name one way you can act on this Sunday’s readings. Suggestion: Pray for leaders, including yourself, that all may have a deep desire to follow the humble servant leadership style of Jesus.


SOURCE: Ascension Catholic Parish, Melbourne, FL

Word Sunday


Lectio Divina